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How Brandon Sanderson Made $41,754,153 in One Month
What if you could make $1,000,000 a day and still:
- Raise a family
- Sleep until noon
- And play video games
Brandon Sanderson is a fiction author who’s hit the NYT Bestseller list over 15 times. His books, like the Mistborn series, have sold millions of copies worldwide.
He doesn’t wake up at 5am, take cold showers, or do 90% of what “productivity gurus” say you should do.
Here’s a peek into how his unconventional approach led to him generating over $41 million in a month…
He starts by getting into a creative mindset, which is a 3-step process:
- Ramp-up
- Super productive/flow state
- Cooldown
We naturally cycle through this process. But if we get interrupted, we have to restart — which can be a Herculean task.
Sanderson schedules “uninterruptible” time so he can go through this cycle seamlessly. Because even the smallest interruptions can completely derail you.
Here are some common derailers:
- Popping on social media for “just a minute”
- Spouse asking what you want for dinner